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Topband: Topband Frequency Allocations Information N E E D E D !

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Subject: Topband: Topband Frequency Allocations Information N E E D E D !
From: dennis.peterson at (Dennis G. Peterson)
Date: Fri Feb 14 11:30:36 2003

Top banders PLEASE;

URL is-----

I need your H E L P -----------I am updating the TOP BAND FREQUENCY
ALLOCATIONS LIST===============I am in need of the following COUNTRY
INFORMNATION:  This is for CW and SSB  power limitations not needed.

1A0             1S              3W/XV           4W              9Q/9T

9X              CN              E3              E4              EP/EQ

S2              ST              XU              XW              XY/XZ

This makes a total of 18 countries that DO NOT HAVE CW/SSB FREQUENCY
INFORMATION.  Your help to filling in this information is REQUESTED TO
MAKE THE LIST 100%.  You can get a copy of the current list which has a
few new updates as of 02-13-2003.  Look it over and find the blank
countries without these frequency allocations and if you know 100% their
status, please send email and I will add them to the list and make the
updates shown at the top of the page.

Thanks guys and I hope to see you on Topband



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  • Topband: Topband Frequency Allocations Information N E E D E D !, Dennis G. Peterson <=