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Topband: T33 News

To: <>
Subject: Topband: T33 News
From: (Bernd Koch)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:39:46 +0100
I just got these news:

T33CW and T33Y are on the island now and started activity at 0z. They will 
be QRV untill Nov 2.

The transfer to Banaba was fine and smooth. Couldn't land at darkness and 
had to wait for dawn. The temperatures are terribly hot. The generator and 
everything is working fine. Titanex vertical for 160 and 80.

Take care with the calls - T30CW and T30Y are QRV at the same time and 
probably also on the same bands! There will be no T30 log update at but I will update the T33 logs as soon as they 
come in. The T30 logsearch will be continued after the T33 activity.

Bad news: the strong T30CW signal on 80m CW on Monday Oct 25 was 
unfortunately a pirate! The real T30CW was much weaker and under the pirate 
between 1600 and 1630z. Sorry!

Good luck and 73, Bernd, DF3CB.

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