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Topband: 1/2 Wave L Antenna

To: <>
Subject: Topband: 1/2 Wave L Antenna
From: (Thomas Giella)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 13:26:50 -0400 (EDT)
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

Per IK3UMT's Query,

 I'm currently using a 1/2 wave L antenna with very good results. With
this antenna I worked 46 countries last DX season, including VK6HD, all
on 125 watts.

 I start off with a 64 foot run of #12 stranded wire 9 feet off the
ground from my parallel tuner network, I look at this first leg as a
single wire feedline.

 The second leg runs 64 feet in the vertical, up a pine tree, the third
leg is 128 feet sloping to the NNE from 64 feet to 7 feet.

 I use one 128 foot counterpoise wire tacked down to the roof of my
house at 15 feet, as a ground reference for the parallel network tuner.

 The highest current point is 64 feet up in the air on 1828 kc and there
is no coaxial or ladder line feedline involved. I have a very efficient
radiator with a very high radiation resistance which is voltage fed.

 See my included website for more details on the antenna design.


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