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TopBand: Stew Perry Results

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Subject: TopBand: Stew Perry Results
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:56:46 -0500

  Fixed my Yaesu FT1000 12db pad Christmas Eve, fortunately I smoked only 
the 150 Ohm 1/10w surface mount resistor in the 12db pad section. Since I
had the RF unit out, I properly installed the D5/D6 diode pair per Yaesu
Tech bulletin TB-9227. These had been previously tacked in by myself (per
the tech bulletin, ugly).

 Saturday I set up the mag loop. Measured less than a watt on its feedline
while transmitting.  Went through the effort of getting on the web and
printing the contest rules. Promptly set them aside and began a 150W
effort. About halfway through the contest I see the low power limit is
100W. Dumb and Dumber.  Turned it up to 200W at that point.

 Used CT V9.37 in WPX mode as it did not complain about the grid squares. 
Got rolling about 2230Z with the first Q with W1BB. How nice! First DX was
with S58A those guys had a pipeline to my place and they just got stronger
as the night went on. WP2/WB9Z was strong on the Inv L but barely copiable
on the mag loop. Worked Clive about 0145Z very weak. Not the usual booming
signal.  After a couple of hours break came back about 0400Z and worked
S57M, IV3PRK, 4X4NJ in succession although it was a good 20min struggle to
work Rikki. I got him right at his sunrise I believe. Did a lot of running
and had OK1DX, OH2BO and F6CWA check in. Worked the TK/DL7HZ for a new
country for me and found RW2F by his lonesome above 1840Khz I believe.
Pulled the plug around 0730Z for a few hours shut eye back in the seat
about 1115Z to snag KH7R who was right under K1VW (sorry John, couldn't
pass him up).  Got caught up trying to figure out what the huge pileup was
on 1831, only to realize later it was the 3D2 working split. Never did hear
him as it was well past sunrise before I figured it out. 

 All in all good fun. My temporary set up seems to be playing better than
last years (all of the 160 antenna's are taken down in the spring, what a
pain!). DX I heard but could not get them to hear me were EA6ACC and 9A5Y.
VP2MHJ didn't seem to know his grid square so didn't log him.  

Total Q's - 128 in 7 hours. High power/Single Op unassisted.


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