Good afternoon Ten Tec fans.
I am cleaning out my ham shack and here are some TT items I am offering for
sale: TT Omni VI+ Model 564 and Model 961 Power Supply $500 (Pick up
only.)TT 961 Power Supply $85 (pick up only)TT External VFO Model 263 $100
plus shippingTT Antenna Tuner Model 238B $250 plus shippingTT 9 Band SW
Receiver Kit Model 1253 $150 plus shippingTT 20 Meter CW Transceiver Kit Model
1320 $150 plus shippingTT Paddle Keyer Model 607 $60 plus shippingTT Kent
Straight Key Titanic Replica $950 plus shippingTT Ammeter Model 207 $25 plus
shippingTT Vibroflex Presentation Deluxe Standard Iambic Paddle Keyer $250
plus shipping Shipping is from Eustis, FL 32736. Will include
insurance.Personal Checks accepted. I trust you. If interested, please
contact me direct at Thank You and 73! de KD4BRL Richard Knox
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