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Re: [TenTec] V3.033xe update... almost done

To: n4py3@earthlink.net, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] V3.033xe update... almost done
From: "Bob, W3IDT" <w3idt@comcast.net>
Reply-to: w3idt@comcast.net, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:18:22 -0500
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Carl, others,

I had done the RAM CLEAR and MASTER RESET at least once already after loading the 3.033xe update, but doing it again seems to have cured the no audio issue.
Each time I turn on the radio, it says "Master Reset Complete" (in addition to asking about the subRX). And, indeed, it does a Master Reset.
Even though I save my CW and SSB settings for JTDX/WSJT in USER1 with 
the long push. After a power-up and a short USER1 push, the radio says 
it is restoring the settings but, in fact, it does not do so.
So I have to manually do the settings again. Ditto USER2.

Any clue?

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net

On 11/17/2021 1:24 PM, Carl Moreschi wrote:
Perform the 3 resets which are:
1) Power off Orion.
2) Power On holding the VFO B LCK button.
3) Continue holding LCK button until the radio says "Battery Failure".
4) Power off Orion.
5) Power on holding "Main RX/TX" button.
6) Continue holding this button until the radio says reset complete.
7) Do not clear any settings when asked to do so.
8) Power the Orion off and back on one more time.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
127 River Moss Way
Hertford, NC 27944

On 11/17/2021 1:12 PM, Bob, W3IDT wrote:

Thanks for your note.
As per the new note from Bob, k4tax, he sent me several real 566 update files. (The one I used was inside a "566..." zip, but turned out to be for the 565! Why a 565 file inside a 566 zip?)
Result was a frozen radio.
Alive now with Bob's update file, except for audio.

Now have no audio. Correct antenna, [AUDIO] set to left=main, right=main, [MAIN AF] increases/ decrease "hiss".
Need to investigate.
May try an earlier update file.

Bob, w3idt

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net

On 11/17/2021 4:56 AM, Barry Simpson wrote:
Hi Bob

I am not sure from your description where you got your 3.026 file. Did you
unzip it first of all ?

I think I am using 3,033xe but I will check tomorrow.

If it were me, I would do nothing until I had a known working version 3
file. I can direct you to or provide you with one of those.

Then I would see if I could put the rig into the update mode again which I suspect should be possible. Then I would try to update with the new version
3 file.

I have never had a problem updating or regressing to an earlier V3 version
with any of my four Orion 2's.

I will get back to you tomorrow.

Barry  VK2BJ

On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 at 07:40, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt@comcast.net> wrote:

After some searching re my FT8 audio problems with the Orion II, I
stumbled upon the need to update the software from version 2 to version
3. (The radio was bequeathed to me; I am not the original owner.)

1. I found the exe file inside the 566-setup-3.026exe_(1).zip file.

2a. Used the USER2 + POWER sequence to place the radio in Flash Update
Mode, and ran the program: 10810 lines updated.

2b. At the end, the display had an truncated Ten-Tec logo:
two vertical black lines, a wider vertical red line, then two more
vertical black lines.

3a. Used the VFO-B_LCK + POWER sequence to start the "RAM clear" process.
3b. Nothing happened after several minutes of holding the VFO-B-LCK
button: No "Battery Failure" message, as per the instructions.

Radio now powers up with the truncated ten-tec logo as in (2b).
And is, of course, dead.

Was I impatient with the RAM Clear?
Hold VFO-B-LCK longer?
What else?

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net

On 11/14/2021 8:26 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
I would double check the connections between the computer audio output
and the DIN connector on the back of the Orion.    Maybe  for a wiring
Are you using any audio interface? Signalink or such?

Bob, K4TAX

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2021, at 6:45 PM, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt@comcast.net> wrote:


TNX for the reply (and your replies to many questions on this list)!

Run WSJT-X as a stand-a-lone application
Should have added that I'm running them stand-alone
(either JTDX or WSJT - they behave the same).

set the levels set correctly.
I think I have everything set for maximum.

The fact you can get it working using the SP function says the audio
is low getting to the radio.

Or the radio AUX gain is set too low.
As noted, AUX gain set to 100 (max)

The issue maybe the MicroHam/MicroKeyer.
That's why it was in the subject line.
(it's an older model,
but does fine for rig control and RTTY and CW).
Haven't tried SSB DVK through it for years.

W3DQ asked you about the Orion and FT8 some time ago.
That's why I included your exchange with him.

Obviously, I'm somewhat ahead of where W3DQ was,
actually getting some output (and working people).
Oh, Eric, w3dq, is a local, good friend.
Now uses a K3 for most operating.

I have an FTdx5000, but it lives at the W3LPL super-station
for the major contest season. I'm part of the multi-team.
And I do SS/SSB from there.

I had a round with Joe Subich, W4TV, about the
Microham/MicroKeyer some time ago.
Maybe I'll bug him again.

Any additional thoughts would be appreciated.

Bob, w3idt

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net

On 11/13/2021 5:01 PM, Bob McGraw K4TAX wrote:
Run WSJT-X as a stand-a-lone application and get the levels set
correctly.   The fact you can get it working using the SP function says the audio is low getting to the radio.  Or the radio AUX gain is set too low.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 13, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Bob, W3IDT <w3idt@comcast.net> wrote:

Does any have this combination?
Or remember anything about this combination?

Trying to use JTDX/WSJT-X.
Simple problem is that I can only get about 20 watts out of the Orion
II using the TUNE function in JTDX/WSJT with, I think, all controls set for
"maximum smoke" :
1. PC LineOut/Speakers to MH/MK SoundOut.
(that is correct, though it appears to be reversed.)

2. PC [Sound][Speakers] maximum volume both Left and Right.

3. JTDX/WSJT [Settings][Audio] Output = Speakers;
Left, Mono, Both -> 20w Power; Right -> no power.

4. JTDX/WSJT power slider at Maximum.

5. MH/MK set to special Orion II VOICE = CBA specification
(to feed PC audio out to Orion II AUX audio in).

6. MH/MK internal pot tried at MIN and MAX;
power varies, MAX is best.

7. MH/MK external pot at MAX.
Power varies, MAX is best.

8. Orion II SP= Off and TX EQ = 0dB

9. Orion II [Menu][SSB] Audio Source
= AUX or BOTH -> 20w power
= MIC -> no power

10. Orion II [Menu][SSB] AUX input gain
power varies, 100 -> 20 Watts.

Rig / CAT control, RTTY (FSK), and CW work fine, 100W out.
I can actually work FT8 stations with the 20w,
including 9J2BS (Zambia) just today.
But still . . .

UPDATE: If I turn the SP up to about 6,
I get full power out.
But... SP is a no-no for FT8.

Any thoughts?

Bob, w3idt
Oh, and I've studied this old email to W3DQ who had similar problems.
Can't see anything I'm doing wrong.

. Robert F. Teitel, W3IDT
. w3idt@comcast.net
. w3idt@arrl.net

On 11/10/2021 11:28 AM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
Haven't gone through my notes, but ran across this.
Hope it helps a bit!
------ Forwarded Message ------
From: "Bob McGraw" <rmcgraw@blomand.net <mailto:rmcgraw@blomand.net
To: "Eric Rosenberg" <ericrosenberg.dc@gmail.com <mailto:
Sent: 2/10/2021 1:05:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] FT8/FST4 with an Orion 565
In general you will need an audio interface such as the Tentec 712
{if you can find one}, or a Signalink USB.  There are other brands. If you
order a new Signalink USB, do get the matching cable for the Tentec ACC
port.   This handles the audio to and from the computer along with a PTT
As to CAT interface, you will need either a RS-232 to USB converter
cable using the FTDI chip or {highly unlikely} your computer has a RS-232
port.  This communicates control of the radio.
Select the Aux TX input to LINE INPUT.  Adjust the Line Gain to
about 35.  Set the PWR to 100 watts and USB mode.  Adjust the Line Gain
and/or the Signalink TX level, and /or the computer software {SPKR] level
to about 35% or as needed to get about 50 to 75 watts in transmit mode.
Also, be sure you set any Speech Processing to OFF or to zero and any TX EQ
to flat.  This is a MUST.
The CAT command can initiate PTT or you can use the Signalink to
initiate a PTT command.  Don't use both.    Also, do not set TX audio
source to BOTH.   Use only Line input.
Bob, K4TAX
On 2/9/2021 9:50 PM, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
Is there a recommended setup for my Orion and WSJT-X's FT8 and FST4?
Thanks & 73,
Eric W3DQ
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