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Re: [TenTec] OMNI 6

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>, Bob McGraw <rmcgraw@blomand.net>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI 6
From: "Bob, WB2VUF via TenTec" <tentec@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 16:40:41 -0500
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
True, about the Paragon.  It takes a lot of time and expertise to keep them running and to pay someone to fix them would be cost-prohibitive.  I've been inside mine 2 or 3 times fixing problems with both PLL boards.  It's helpful to know where to probe to determine whether it's the major or the minor loop causing the unlock condition.  I had a friend whose Paragon I couldn't keep running for more than a few weeks at a time:  First I fixed the PLL;  then  the power supply blew up;  then it wouldn't power up at all.  The last problem turned out to be a cracked solder joint on the power control board, plus the relay coil suppression diode, located /under/ the relay cover was shorted.
It /is/ a nice, radio, however, if you are good at troubleshooting... 
and patient.  With everything going SDR,  the Paragons and Omnis  are in 
the collector-boatanchor class. Will Ten-Tec stage a successful comeback?


On 3/6/2021 10:03 AM, Bob McGraw wrote:

I've owned several of the Paragon radios.   I really like the way they perform and the way they sound, both on RX and TX. However, I've found that they take an inordinate amount of time to maintain and repair.   To wit, in more than one case I've experienced a PLL UNLOCK issue.  I tried several suggested approaches and found they may work, or may work for a little while.  The final solution.........entirely de-populate the PLL board, clean and plate the copper and then put the parts back in place.   Now you talk about time consuming........but it works. That's what it takes to permanently resolve the PLL UNLOCK issue.   Everything else is a band-aid.
Sorry, can't help on the Argonaut 516 other than to say there is a 
Argonaut group on the GROUPS.IO site.  You might try there.

Bob, K4TAX

On 3/6/2021 7:11 AM, John Hodge wrote:
Snowy, I think Bob's advice is good. I gave up on a Paragon 585 a while ago. Too much wrong. I have now dismantled it completely and used the PA (which was good) plus a few other bits to make a 100w amp for my Argo V 216. Built it into an old Argosy case, added a modern auto ATU and it works fine. Best use of the 585 parts but there are still most of the 585 PCBs if anyone wants them. Plus knobs and other hardware.
On a different note, the Argo 516 Power Level control is not working 
- it's at full 20w power all the time, will not reduce. It used to 
work OK. Anyone any ideas?
73, John G8CCD

On 06/03/2021 09:45, ROLAND HOWELL via TenTec wrote:
Good Morning Bob, even if it is a cold one over here across the pond.
Hope you and yours are staying clear of the pandemic.
Thanks for your advice, just found out that there is NO case with it either, so i am going to give it a miss.
stay well and safe
Snowy G0HZE

------ Original Message ------
From: "Bob McGraw" <rmcgraw@blomand.net>
To: tentec@contesting.com
Sent: Saturday, 6 Mar, 21 At 01:45
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI 6
As a rule, it is worth more in parts than a working radio. Frankly, I wouldn't invest any time into repairs, even if it was given to me FOC.
Bob, K4TAX

On 3/5/2021 4:48 PM, Carlos PECO BERROCAL wrote:
That sounds too hard for me.
It is far from being complete, and these days getting parts has become too
difficult as most radio parts from ham estates go straight to the tip.
If there was a healthy, reasonable market of second hand parts I would go for it. In your case I would focus into fixing the Paragons or asking here
for a complete, tech special Omni VI.

Carlos VK1EA

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, ROLAND HOWELL via TenTec <tentec@contesting.com>
Good Evening gents
looking at getting an incomplete OMNI 6 to play with.
it requires the following pcb's:
81594 9mHz mixer board
81600 Pass Band Tuning board
81611 PA complete
Just waiting on the seller to tell me if the top and bottom cases are with
My question to you gents is this, is anybody parting out that radio and
have those boards for sale or disposal.
Then once the radio is assembled will it work or will it require further
What is the radio worth once all sorted, at the moments it is at £120.
Its just for something to keep grey cell active during my retirement, i am a sucker for TT kit having 3 x paragons ( only 2 working) Argosy2 x 2, a
509 Argonaut and finally 2 x Omni 'D's) ahh nearly forgot a 1254 Rx.
So some thoughts from you gents please, worth doing or not!
Stay well and healthy
Snowy G0HZE .
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