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Re: [TenTec] Various Sites

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Various Sites
From: Bob McGraw K4TAX <rmcgraw@blomand.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 08:49:22 -0500
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

Based on your findings, i.e. tuner didn't work,  and then it did work, then it stopped working, does indicate to me a faulty connection as opposed to a faulty component.    I keep saying this as I've experienced it many times both with ham equipment and professional equipment.   Fact is,  connectors which stay in place for a long period of time will oxidize.  In many instances, simply unplugging the re-plugging the connector provides the wiping action adequate to allow signals to pass.    Sometimes just moving the cables around will wiggle the connector enough to all penetration through the oxidation and restore operation.......for a little while.    Hence, my suggestion for cases just such as you describe would be to "clean connectors".
Again, I offer my suggestion.   Using a contact cleaner of your choice, 
I like Cramolin or Pro Gold, apply a small amount to a Q-Tip swab and 
scrub the male pins of each connector.  Then plug it into the female 
connector, unplug it and re-plug it a couple of times.  This allows the 
contact cleaner to wipe onto the female pins.   Usually this takes care 
of many intermittent and ill defined issues.   Doesn't always cure the 
patient, but in many time, it does.   Never spray contact cleaner into 
the radio as one has no real control as to where it might end up.  More 
is never better in this case.


Bob, K4TAX

On 9/11/2018 5:01 PM, Wes Attaway (N5WA) wrote:
To Bob and anyone else who wants to comment.

I have an Orion-1 that works fine and it has an internal antenna tuner.  At
one point 3 or 4 years ago the tuner stopped working.  TenTec told me to
change the battery in the tuner circuit but this made no difference and the
tuner still didn't work.  I did the A9 board mod and also the Molex power
cord mod but this made no difference to the tuner.

A year or so ago I purchased an Orion-2 and started using it and put the
Orion-1 back in its box and put it in the attic.

A couple of months ago I took the Orion-2 off-line to replace the A9 board
capacitors and to also remove the Molex power cord socket.  I put the
Orion-1 back on line and it worked fine, and the tuner now worked.  However,
after a few weeks the tuner again stopped working.

The tuner itself may be fine and the problem might simply with whatever
signal source is activating it.

Does anyone on the list have any ideas about this?

Wes Attaway (N5WA)
(318) 393-3289 - Shreveport, LA
Computer/Cellphone Forensics

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob McGraw
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 4:40 PM
To: Tentec Radio Net; orion565@yahoogroups.com; TenTec@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [TenTec] Various Sites

   There are several very active discussion groups found under Tentec on
the GROUPS.IO sites.    If looking for information regarding upgrades,
firmware, history and such relating to Tentec, these are good places to

In spite of what many say and have said...........Tentec business is
alive and well.  They are building commercial products, repairing ham
radios and offering some accessory items on the Tentec.COM website.
However, there are no ham radios in production or for sale at this time.

And if I can assist, I'm always glad to do so.


Bob, K4TAX

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