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Re: [TenTec] My Argonaut II Came Back From the Factory Today

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] My Argonaut II Came Back From the Factory Today
From: Steve Berg <wa9jml@frontier.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 19:33:29 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Thank you for clarifying this for me, John. I put the rig on the air yesterday, and it acts like a new radio. I am very happy with the quality of the repair. I had no idea when I sent it in that it was going to be caught up in a corporate transition. I realized that the chances of Ten Tec having the necessary repair pots was far higher than would be the case in most other repair services.
I used to have a Kenwood TS-790A vhf/uhf multimode transceiver. It was a 
top of the line rig, and was a bit newer than the Argonaut II.  Kenwood 
no longer services them, and a prominent regional vendor did not know 
how to test for ALC action on SSB. They kept keying it on FM, and saying 
that it worked fine.  One of my local 2-way techs fixed it for me.  It 
was a defective diode. But as we are seeing, such things as integrated 
circuits and processor chips have an increasingly short production 
lifespan. So, try getting even a 10 year old radio from a foreign vendor 
fixed by the importer.  I donated it after it was fixed to a friend of 
mine who just got his license.
I read on this list that newer radios were getting repaired and shipped 
back, so I knew it was a matter of time before mine got done, too.  I am 
just delighted that they will work on their legacy products, parts 
permitting.  And I think that the price I paid was very reasonable.  I 
have had a great time with this radio since I bought it from AES many 
years ago.  Now, it is working fine again, and I am looking forward to 
enjoying it for a long time.

Steve WA9JML

On 5/10/2016 6:25 PM, John Henry wrote:
Funny, people think that one report of 6-7 mos because they had to wait for
parts for an Argonaut II, is now the norm for all repairs.
That is ridiculous.
I know of a LOT of rigs that get in there Monday and are either back home
or on the road to home by Friday.
They do the best they can, and if the parts are in house, and it is not
backlogged, it makes it home asap.
What I find EXTREMELY positive about Steve's post is that they were able to
fix an Argonaut II. The previous owners had stated that they would not fix
products that are out of production, so, I call this a step forward in the
quality and the reputation in TEN-TEC repair, and NOT a step back because
they had to wait for x period of time for an out of production part to be
acquired and ....


73, KI4JPL
John Henry
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