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Re: [TenTec] Reasons to buy an OM7 instead of an Eagle

To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Reasons to buy an OM7 instead of an Eagle
From: "Bob McGraw - K4TAX" <RMcGraw@Blomand.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 20:19:31 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Well Rick as you know, I have both on the desk.

The Eagle receiver is somewhat better. How much well with the optional filters in the Omni VII and both used for CW, I perceive one would find it necessary to have both radios and the ability to switch between the two to discern much if any difference. Sherwood Engineering has the Eagle Dynamic range Narrow spaced measured at 90 dB while the Omni VII is measured at 80 dB. Rob also stated that most hams will find the 80 dB performance most adequate.
However, per Sherwood Engineering Receiver report, the Noise floor on the 
Omni VII is -130 & -140 dBm while the noise floor on the Eagle is -124 
& -132 dBm.
The display on the Omni VII is much easier to see and read plus it gives 
more information and one can see the S meter  {Rick}.
The S meter on the Omni VII goes to 60 dB over S-9 while the S meter on the 
Eagle goes to 30 dB over S-9.
The S meter on the Eagle shows only signal strength and SWR.  The S meter on 
the Omni VII shows signal strength and is user selectable between PWR out 
and SWR.
The Eagle has dual concentric knobs for AF gain and RF gain and another set 
for PBT and BW.  The Omni VII has one knob that has a momentary push in to 
toggle between the two functions.
The Omni VII had separate RIT and XIT buttons and displays. The Eagle had 
only a RIT function which is difficult to read the value on the display.
The Omni VII has a CW spot function.  The Eagle does not.

The Eagle has a hardware Noise Blanker. The Omni VII has a firmware Noise Blanker.
The Eagle DSP BW works nicely down to 100 Hz while the Omni VII DSP BW only 
goes to 200 Hz.  For both radios, any optional filters automatically switch 
in the RX path as the respective BW is selected.
The Omni VII RX BW is adjustable up to 12 KHz standard.  The Eagle BW 
adjustable up to the widest roofing filter installed.
The MENU on the Omni  VII is accessed by a MENU button on the front panel. 
The Eagle Config Menu must start with the power off, hold down FNC and then 
turn power on.
The KEY jack on the Omni VII is on the front and is a 1/4" TRS connector. 
The KEY jack on the Eagle is on the rear and is a 1/8" TRS connector.
The EXT SPKR jack on the Omni VII is on the rear and is a 1/4" TR connector. 
The EXT SPKR jack on the Eagle is on the rear and is a 1/8" T R connector.
The Omni  VII has a dedicated button for TUNE and PWR while the Eagle one 
must use the FNC before accessing the PWR function.
The Eagle is controlled externally via USB communications port.  The Omni 
VII is controlled externally by a RS-232 port.
The Omni VII has a direct internet connection.  The Eagle does not offer 
this feature.
The Omni VII offers two ANT port plus a separate RX ANT port.  The Eagle 
only offers a single ANT port.
The Omni VII offers direct frequency entry.  The Eagle does not have direct 
frequency entry.
The Omni VII can switch direct to any band with the push of a button.  The 
Eagle must cycle through several bands to get to the others.
The ATU is much faster to resolve a match with the Omni VII.  The Eagle 
takes a bit longer to resolve a match. Both radios ATU will match a 10:1 SWR 
or better.
The Eagle is about 1/4 the size of the Omni VII

I could do three or four pages of this stuff. How much more do you want or need? Best bet, just download both manuals from the Tentec website and read them.
Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP" <Rick@DJ0IP.de>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:10 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Reasons to buy an OM7 instead of an Eagle

I was just asked off list for reasons to warrant spending the extra bread on
an OM7 instead of an Eagle.
Ha!  I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying "none, there aren't any!"

There are of course 2 or 3 minor reasons and I've created my list below.
Perhaps someone else more familiar with the OM7 than I am can think of other
reasons that I have forgotten.
Grateful to any additional tips.

(and to the OM who asked me this question, if you do not subscribe to the
tentec group at contesting.com, send me another email and I will forward you
any replies we get).

Hi OM, (name withheld)

You do realize of course that you have posed that question to a man in love
with his Eagle!  (hi)
OK, but I will try and be objective on this.

The Eagle's better receiver is really only noticeable in BIG contests where
a good operator is willing to dive into the middle of the heaviest pile-up
on the band to work whatever DX multiplier is under all the rumble.  Apart
from that, there is not a lot of difference in the two receivers.  However
when the going gets tough, the Eagle will outshine the Omni 7.

I'll start with the only other negative of the OM7 over the Eagle: it has
only one knob for AF and RF gain.  Not the end of the world but separate
knobs would have been better.

And of course if you go backpacking, I'd rather carry an Eagle!  (hi)
Same applies for mobile operations.

Now here is my short list of features the OM7 has which the Eagle does not:
. A larger read out, including an S-Meter that you can actually see and 
. Better interfacing to old amplifiers (or new Ameritron amplifiers) in CW
mode. The OM7 has adjustable hang delay on the tail end of the signal. The
Eagle does not have this feature and if you have one of these amps, you
absolutely need it.  With the Eagle, you must purchase the Model 318 Amp
Keyer for a hundred bucks.

. Interfacing to Ten-Tec full QSK amplifiers (dual-cable keying). The Eagle
does not have this.  If you don't have a full QSK linear with this keying
loop circuitry, it doesn't matter.

. A band scope (though it's not the greatest)

. Larger heat sink on the back side for cooling the final transistors. You
really do not need a fan unless you are running RTTY.  The Eagle doesn't
have this so it must rely on a fan. It is not terribly loud but it is

. Direct frequency entry keypad

. Curtis mode A and B keying.  It's fixed on the Eagle, but I have no idea
which one.  Somehow I never paid any attention to that stuff.  I just key
whatever they throw at me and it somehow seems to always work.

. Two spare RCA phono plugs AND an internal provision to connect two coax
cables to these to be used as connection for a pre-selector or noise

. A serial port.

. Connection for the POD (the remote VFO knob). I sometimes miss this on my

. 2 antenna jacks

. Ethernet connection

. AUX RX (antenna) - an input for a receive-only antenna (uses one of the
two ANT connections)

. Adjustable bandwidth on SSB

. Adjustable RX and TX equalizers

. CTCSS for FM

. Adjustable CW (keying) weighting

. SPOT (for spotting in CW) - which I personally feel is worthless

. Adjustable rise/fall time on CW.  A fancy option but I don't feel it is
necessary.  The Eagle's CW signal is just fine.

. FSK X Data (if you are into RTTY)

. VFO Speed Shift which basically speeds up the tuning rate by a factor of 4 when you turn the VFO knob real fast. Many people like this feature a lot.
. A very comfortable software menu (probably the very best in the 
. OmniRig support (very important for many 3rd party software programs)

. A dedicated RIT/XIT knob (using the RIT on the Eagle is very clumsy)

. And of course REMOTE CONTROL (over the Internet)

That's all that comes to mind right now, but keep in mind that I do not own
an OM7 and the last time I even saw or used one was in 2007.  That was 7
years ago. and my old grey cells "ain't what they used to be".

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

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