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[TenTec] TenTec Scout, accessories and other items FS

To: TenTec List at contesting <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] TenTec Scout, accessories and other items FS
From: "Ken Simpson, W8EK" <kenw8ek@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 15:31:03 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
TenTec "Scout" HF Transceiver, plus many Scout Accessories,
Power Supplies, RF Speech Processors, and other miscellaneous
accessories For Sale:

TenTec Scout 555 HF transceiver

The TenTec Scout is a nice, small, compact 50 Watt output radio
for both CW and SSB. It was made to be simple to operate, and
easy to run mobile, if that is desired. It features TenTec's great
full break in QSK on CW, and has really great low distortion
audio on SSB. Of course it has digital readout.

This unit features a "Jones Filter" which permits one to vary the
bandwidth from about 2400 Hz for SSB down to about 300 Hz
for CW. This is continuously variable with a pot, so it can be
adjusted to suit band conditions very easily. No need to buy
extra filters for this rig! It does need 13 V DC at about 10 amps.

Since the rig is small, it does not even have a band switch.
Instead it uses "modules" for each band. These modules
plug into the front of the unit. To change bands, one simply
pops one module out, and plugs another in. Only takes a
couple seconds. It can cover from 160 thru 10 meters,
including the WARC bands, but using the proper module.

This particular rig works fine, and looks good as well.
There are a few minor scratches on the sides.
It includes a power cord, original box, manual, and one band
module of your choice. Other accessories are available
separately below. $250

I have band modules for 80/75, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.
Additional band modules are $45 each if purchased with
the rig, or $55 if purchased separately.
The person buying the rig gets first choice on any
accessories, including the band modules.

TenTec 297 noise blanker for the 555 Scout
It works great on impulse / ignition type of noise. Not as
great on other kinds. $65 with rig, or $75 separately.

TenTec hand microphone
I think it is a model 701, but that info is not on the mic.
Four pin connector can be used on any of the TenTec
rigs with the 4 pin connector. Works fine and looks
close to new. With paper work for $30.

TenTec 937 Power Supply
This is the matching AC power supply for the Scout, although
it can certainly be used on other rigs.  It is rated at 11 amps
intermittent and 7 amps continuous.  It is in its original box,
and works and looks close to new.  $65

TenTec 715 RF Speech Processor:

The Model 715 RF Speech Processor is a high performance
true RF-type speech processor designed to operate with
most modern HF Amateur Radio transceivers. RF speech
processing is a superior system to traditional AF
systems found in a typical HF transceiver.

..Increase average SSB power output by up to 6 dB
..Enhance readability by stations hearing your signal
..Break pileups for DXpeditions faster
..Keep your net or contest run frequency clearer
..Easy to install, easy to operate

The 715 RF speech processor is installed between the
microphone and the microphone jack on your transceiver.
Two microphone inputs are provided -- an 8 pin microphone
connector wired for TenTec and Yaesu, and a 1/8” input
used for direct connection of microphones. 13 V DC required.

This particular unit works 100% and looks like new.
Paper work is included for $200.

TenTec 234 RF Speech Processor
The 234 is the predecessor to the 715 speech processor
(listed above) except it matches the early Omni Series
A, B, and C rigs, and others of that era.  It has both a
4 pin plug and a 1/4 inch stereo jack for input.  It needs
13 V DC at low current.  It is an extremely effective unit,
typically providing about a 6 db increase in talk power.
With paperwork for $150.

TenTec Switching Power Supply:

"Switcher / 25" 25 amp switching power supply:
This is a 25 amp switching power supply in a case that
matches the early Omni series case, with the metal bezel
around it. It is in a case that is the same size as a 243
remote VFO. It has an ammeter on the front, along with
Switch, TenTec logo, and output bulb. The front panel
basically looks like a 280 power supply with a metal bezel,
but says "Switcher/25" on it. It is very quiet, and well
shielded, and does not produce any electrical noise that
I could find. $140

MFJ 1118 DC Power Distribution Strip:

The MFJ-1118 is a versatile, high-current deluxe
multiple DC power outlet. It lets you power two HF
and/or VHF transceivers and six or more accessories
from your transceiver's main 13 V DC power supply.
You get two pairs of super heavy duty 30 amp 5-way
binding posts for powering your transceivers. Each
pair is individually fused and RF bypassed, capable
of a total of 35 amps.

An LED indicates power "ON". Six pairs of heavy duty,
RF bypassed 5-way binding posts lets you power your
accessories. They handle a total of 15 amps and are
protected by a master fuse, have an ON/OFF power
switch and an LED power indicator.

You get 6 feet super heavy eight gauge color-coded
cable with ring tongue terminals, plus a built-in
0 - 25 VDC monitor meter.

With paper work for only $60.

Cables for CW keyers and keys:

Cable for paddles
About 3 feet long, and with a 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) stereo
connector on the end, like used by most rigs. $8
As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $8

Cable for straight key
About 3 feet long, with a mono 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) phone
plug on it, as used with a straight key. $5
As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $5

I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs,
antennas, etc. Just too many things to list here.
Please e-mail your requests.

Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK@FLHam.net or W8EK@arrl.net
Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400

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