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Re: [TenTec] (no subject)

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] (no subject)
From: K8JHR <jrichards@k8jhr.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 07 May 2014 12:29:33 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

On 5/7/2014 2:53 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
James, I agreed with everything up until the 200w PA.
What's the reasoning for 200w?  Because Yaesu does it?  Me too?
Now days most linears run legal power with just 40w input.

                Exactly.  You gotta offer something
                different or you are the same.  Remember the
                TS-990 has a 200 watt output, also.

                HAS TO SELL.

                Loads of guys like the idea of a 200 watt
                rig.  It does not have to make sense, and
                if they think they won't need an amp, or
                if they think they will be more manly
                with a bigger rig, then ...  get it?

There are a lot of peripherals on the market that were designed for 100w and
will fail if hit with 200w.
I don't see any benefit in that.

                You are not buy anything, so why vote?

                Now, I am not being rude or snotty, but
                simply pointing out that guys like you
                are not the driving force in the marketplace
                and you won't be buying it anyway, because
                it does not fit your operating style or
                budget or several other considerations, so
                I am directing the rig to other guys with
                money to burn, and who might operate differently,
                and who might think a 200 watt PA is a good plan.

                Again, not being personal about you in particular,
                but simply saying I think the there is a market
                for this sort of thing, provided it comes at a
                reasonable cost.

                Sheesh... just consider how many guys have purchased
                Yaesu rigs with higher power, and how many guys have
                purchased a TS-590 with a 200 watt output - now you
                would not spend extra for that... but I think a lot
                of other guys would.

                An analogy:   I think most of the crap they sell
                in the Five and Dime Stores and the Dollar Stores
                is cheap crap and a waste of money.  But they
                are still in business, so they must be making
                money SELLING CHEAP CRAP ... so I the point
                is to know your audience ... sell what sells.  It
                does not have to make sense... it only has to sell.


But my vote is for the spec to remain 100w and the radio to only be drivable
up to that power level.

                That's cool.  But what would sell more radios
                at a workable cost for buyer and seller, alike?
                That is the magic question!

        No argument with your technology... just thinking TT
        could sell more radios if it offers something more or
        different at a lower price point - and just ruminating
        on how they can do that.    Simply a marketing thing, not
        a technical thing, I am talking about.

--------------------  K8JHR -----------------------------

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