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Re: [TenTec] W8KC Virtual Ten*Tec Museum

To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] W8KC Virtual Ten*Tec Museum
From: "Mike Hyder -N4NT-" <Mike_N4NT@charter.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 00:29:26 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
If anyone should want to duplicate Paul's website and get permission, please be sure to ask that his current site be left online for a period of time, else it may be taken down and the data lost before it can be fully copied. Also assure them that leaving Paul's site online forever would be great, as well.
73, Mike -N4NT-

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richards" <jrichards@k8jhr.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 23:37
Subject: Re: [TenTec] W8KC Virtual Ten*Tec Museum

Nice way to put it, Jim.

======================  JHR  =========================

On 1/14/2014 1:04 PM, Jim Lowman wrote:

Perhaps we could appeal for permission with the idea making of a living
tribute to Paul and his past efforts.


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