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[TenTec] Airpax

To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Airpax
From: "Robert Carroll" <w2wg@comcast.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 20:33:35 -0400
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
At the risk of reigniting a hot topic, this morning I developed a sudden SWR
problem while running barefoot this AM.  I was running 100W from my Orion
565 when I saw my digital meter jump up to around 4:1 SWR  and the Airpax
breaker I had "protecting" the Orion (Astron supply) tripped for the first
time ever.  Holding my breath, I turned the Orion power switch off and reset
the Airpax.  To my great relief all was well-or at least it seems to be 12
hours later.  No fuse in the Orion blew.  I understand there is a protection
circuit in the Orion which eliminates the need for an external breaker.
Perhaps that would have protected the finals, but it didn't prevent the
Orion from sucking enough current to trip the Airpax and that makes me
wonder if I would have been packing the set up for shipment to TN if the
Airpax had not been in line.  I have never been convinced that the Airpax
was necessary, but when it clicked off, I was very glad I had installed it. 


I never did find anything wrong with the antenna system, and I ran at legal
limit calling the 3B1 this AM with no problem.  I did go out this afternoon
and spray some Caig on two connectors and a barrel.  But there may be a
problem waiting to reappear.




Bob W2WG

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