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Re: [TenTec] Opinions wanted please about getting a second qrp rig

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Opinions wanted please about getting a second qrp rig
From: ron <roncasa@verizon.net>
Reply-to: roncasa@verizon.net,Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:47:49 -0500
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Wb5jvt@aol.com wrote:
> Have Drake TR 7 which I love and usebut want smaller, mobile and fun to use  
> rig in first class condition. 

/Drakes are a class by themselves, too bad they went out/

Can someone tell me good and bad point of a
> Tentec  Scout 555. 

/The good points are simple to use, easy to read display in 
daylight, tune switch (10 watts) and SWR meter, solid VFO - does not 
move during mobile or portable, will play all afternoon on battery 
power. Adjustable filter from 250 HZ and up.

There is not too many "bad" points; TT explained the drift during CW 
mode in manual but I never had a issue with it.

Comments, it's a fun radio to own. You can usually find modules. I 
do not find price for radio increased, in fact gone down. (maybe 
they watch "echo bravo" bidding) TT sells them reasonably and for 
less than they originally sold for and with modules.
The modules are well made and I never had any issues with them for 
the years I have owned the Scout. Too bad some are greedy enough to 
over-price them when selling, not in spirit of ham radio.
QRZ my call and see pix of Scout station.

Ron, wb1hga

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