Hi All,
I fixed the blank screen upon transmit by replacing the rig with an Orion
II. No display problems at all, even with a KW.
Natan W6XR
From: Natan Huffman [mailto:Natan1961@frontiernet.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:06 PM
To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'
Subject: RF from antennas
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today I took delivery of an Orion with version 2.056 firmware and
integrated, with great ease, the rig into the station. Unfortunately I am
having an issue while on 80 meters where my antenna is near the shack and
only up 50 feet. The station is grounded well as is the house with each
having two 15? ground rods and short ground wires < ΒΌ lamda at 80) . These
grounds are tied into 4 more at the base of the tower about 50? away from
the shack. I doubt the problem (white screen when transmitting) is due to
lack of grounding but rather the presence of a strong RF field generated by
the 80 antenna. Just for fun (done in 4 degree wx) I disconnected the large
bus to the tower base and no change.
This problem is not seen on two other transceivers in the shack when used on
80, which also suggests the problem is RF from the antenna. Might there be
some remedy so that I don?t have a white screen when transmitting?
Thanks in advance,
Natan W6XR
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