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[TenTec] Vertical radial question

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Vertical radial question
From: Bill Tippett <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 13:13:53 -0500
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
 >All this furor over a few percent efficiency change has no effect beyond
a couple miles that is discernible in the receiver with its logarithmic

         I think you missed the point of N1VS' original post:

 >Does the position of radials on the ground affect the directionality of
a vertical. I'm putting up a new vertical and faced with a long narrow
lot (50;x30;) as the only practical location for it.

         The point being that there is a very practical
guideline for any geometry that will provide the best ground
for that geometry with the minimum amount of wire and effort
...not too much and not too little.  Maybe you don't care but
I suspect others might like to know how to optimize their
ground system better than the seat of the pants method.

 >Put it up the best you can with as many radials as will fit the lot
(include the metal fence in the radial network) and go chase DX and
listen to all that electrical noise coming from all directions.

         Half a dB here (e.g. ground system) and half a dB
there (e.g. feed line) adds up.  Case in point was being
1 of 3 East Coast stations to work HS72B via long path on
160m...and I did it with legal power.  The op later told
me I was barely audible at his noise floor.  For signals
at that point, 1 dB can make the difference in being heard
or not.  If you are S9+30 to your next door neighbor,
then I agree S9+31 makes no difference whatsoever.  BTW,
most serious people on 80/160m using verticals also use
separate RX antennas (Beverages, K9AY, EWE, etc).  Of
course phased vertical arrays work well for both TX/RX.

73,  Bill  W4ZV  (DXCC 321 on 160m, 341 on 80m)

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