Anyone have their O2, or O1 for that matter working with the SteppIR controller
and their computer using a RS232 DB9 Y cable. I called the SteppIR people and
they said nada, no, it won't work!
>From my limited background it would seem that one cannot have two devices
>trying to communicate with the third with the RX and TX pins 2 & 3 tied
The SteppIR Y cable came with pins 2-3 and 5 connected to the O2 and the same
pins to my computer and that just won't work!
I guess what I'm saying is how can I get my Orion2 to communicate with my
SteppIR control box and my logging program at the same time????
Has anyone wrote a program to accomplish this? I could hook the Orion2 to a
computer com port and the SteppIR box to another of my computer Com ports and
let my computer do the decision making which should get what.
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