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[TenTec] "Being a Contrarian . . ."

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] "Being a Contrarian . . ."
From: Bill Tippett <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 08:23:39 -0400
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

 >The close-in receive specs for the "subreceiver" are in the 70 dB range.
As I understand it, the subreceiver is basically a Jupiter (no steroids
here). And having read (I believe it was R. Sherwood) someone's saying
that 70 dB IMD3 is about all anyone will ever need 95% of the time, the
old Jupiter holds up pretty well in distinguished company.

         Much improved Sub-RX performance from
O to O2 was one of things I noted in both reviews.
RSGB's measured IMD performance at very close
spacings (1-2 kHz) even exceeded rigs like the
IC-7800 and FTdx9000.  I also noticed 2nd order
IMD for the Main RX was much improved.  Not sure
whether this was just sample variation or actual
improvement due to design changes, but I do not
have good Sub-RX performance in my Orion.

         I believe it was W8JI who said about 85
dB IMD is sufficient most of the time, and his
comment did include 160 meters.


...but sometimes he sees signals that
range over 95 dB.  ;-)


         I felt ARRL's review was very balanced
and one of the better and less fluffy reviews
they have ever done.  I was frankly surprised
RSGB did not pick up on some of the questionable
changes in O2 (like Notch being after the AGC
loop).  Let's hope ARRL's reviews become more
realistic like this one.  Of course it's always
easy to be more critical when a rig has outstanding
performance that if it's a dog and you are trying
to find something good to say.

                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  Copying KH8SI through the on-frequency
jammers last night was a pleasure with Orion.

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