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Re: [TenTec] Orion 2 or IC-7800 ? (Randy K7RAN)

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion 2 or IC-7800 ? (Randy K7RAN)
From: John Buck <kh7t@arrl.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:18:23 -1000
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
If price were no object,  I would buy both, put an equal amount into the 
antenna system and hire someone to maintain the property so I could 
spend all my time experimenting and on the air.

If I merely wanted bragging rights for having the most expensive radio I 
would buy the 7800.  And it does have some likable bells and whistles.  
If I were locked into the human factors associated with the several 
generations of YaeComWood radios then this may be the best choice.

If I wanted the best receiver available for digging weak signals out of 
the noise on the band or during contest or pile up conditions, I believe 
the ORION is it.  The lab tests and review of the design back up this 
position.  A formidable discussion group does surface areas for 
improvement and TenTec listens and responds in a responsible manner.  
You do have to learn how to operate this radio for best performance.

When economics are a factor I recommend the Orion along with the best 
antennas I can afford.
Wait a minute, I did that in March 2003.  And I just got a factory 
upgrade via software version 2.056 to bring me up to the equivalent of 
the 1996 version of the radio.  And with N4PY software I can display a 
sweep with 120 dbm dynamic range.  Now I am still a happy camper.

John KH7T

Randy K7RAN <k7randy@gmail.com wrote:

If price were no object (say, hypothetically, if both rigs cost  exactly 
the same), which radio would you prefer? Along that line, are  there 
certain operating "types" who might prefer one more than the  other? 
(Incidentally, there is nothing motivating this question other  than 
conversation and curiosity.

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