Dear friends,
I would like to submit this question to the group.
I have used for several years a Kenwood TS940 transceiver and I never cause TVI
problems to my neighbour apartments.
Now since I start to use a new TT Orion rtx all my neighbours note strong TVI
during the operation.
All other equipment are the same: 3 el yagi antenna, power lines, coaxial line
and so on.
No changes in radio shack. I have added only an external DC power supply for
the new rig.
Why TVI starts? What are the possible reasons and the corrections? Have any
other ham the same troubles using the Orion rig?
Thank for your suggestions and help.
Beppe IZ2ABU
An Agusta-Westland Company
Giuseppe CROSTA
c/o Politecnico di Milano
Galleria del Vento - Wind tunnel facility
Via La Masa, 34
20158 Milano - Italy
Phone +39-02-2399.8057
Fax +39-02-2399.8274
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