Hi Everyone,
I have recently obtained a Hercules II amp (serial # 09A10034) that does
not seem to work right. It came from Gabon in Africa, via a ham friend. The
amp was in commercial use. I'm evaluating it, and am considering to purchase
it if I can get it to work. I cleaned the amp, inside and out, and apart
from two blown panel lights, a missing plastic trim-piece and broken fan
everything appears to be visually intact.
There was a non-standard board connected to the Remote Control socket. It is
constructed on Vero Board (strip board) and contains two IC's UDN2981A and a
Philips PC74HCT238P. It was mounted on the ledge behind the Keying RCA
I have removed the modification (as Ten-Tec advised), and reconnected the 8
wires that lead from the remote port. I simply matched the colors.
The modification also included two wires (orange and green), one each to J41
and J42 on the Input Board (Top of Heatsink). I cannot figure out how to
restore proper wiring to these connectors. Although J41 and J42 have two
pins each, only one pin was used.
There is a black chassis-earth wire and a red fused wire still unconnected,
but I'm not sure if they were simply part of the mod, or if they go to J41
and J42.
Also, J9 on the control board has no connection. On the bottom of the amp,
on the bandswitch board, the connector between J11 and J10 is also
unconnected. It is a two-pin connector.
When I turn the amp on, using my Astron RS-35 for no-load testing, the fan
comes on and the relays on the Power Distribution Board pull in. But the
Band LED's are unlit, although there is power on the connector on the board
with the band switch. When I select different band positions, nothing
happens. The relays on the filter board are silent, and all LED's remain
unlit. I found 13VDC on some connectors on the filter board.
I have been in contact with Paul Clinton at Ten-Tec via e-mail and
telephone. Bottom line is that a technician has to see the amp and trace the
wires in order to restore it. I ordered a manual, trim-pieces and spare
lamps, and should hopefully have it within 2 weeks. I will then be able to
trace the wires with the help of the schematic diagrams.
In the meanwhile, I'm wondering if a knowledgeable OM has come across this
mod, and has accurate advice on how to restore proper function to ye olde
Hercules. Thanks!
I have uploaded some pictures showing the relevant detail at:
TU 73 Christian ZS1DX
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