I have FOR SALE! A nice CORSAIR II, with 3 filters and W7FG manual, $450, A
260 power supply, repainted Collins Trim Gray, $75,
and a MFJ 962C antenna tuner, repainted Collins trim gray $75. Collins Trim
ring Gray does not exactly match the TEN TEC but it is close enough to not
look bad. Will sell individual units after Corsair is sold or all for $550 +
freight. USA only! I will take in trade, a 580 DELTA or a TT 936 power supply
for the DELTA II. I would like to buy a 936. Make me an offer I can't refuse!
I can email pictures of the equipment. Please contact direct. TNX Gordon
KA5ZTI g_jacobs@wfec.com phone 405-247-4262 days, 405-247-7007 night
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