I bumped into a ham at a swap Sunday that had a mint looking Omni
6 for sale. He didn't seem to be too internet savvy so I told him I'd
pass the information on to the TT reflector. The Omni 6 looks mint,
it's got the matching power supply and 705 desk mic. He said it was in
perfect working order and I didn't see a mark or scratch on it. It has
the option 3 firmware upgrade and the oven time base has also been
upgraded to the TCXO that Ten-Tec used in the final production of
the Omni 6+. It has the 250 and 500 Hz CW filters as well as the 1.8
KHz narrow SSB filter installed in the 6.3 MHz IF. It also has the 1.8
KHz narrow filter installed in the Narrow position of the first IF. He's
asking $1450.00 plus shipping in the US only. He said he'd also
consider a trade for a general coverage radio of like value that has
true AM capability. Assuming the item didn't sell at the swap ? He said
he could enlist some help and supply pictures if wanted. His email is
I'd like it myself but it's out of my price range for what little operating
I do.
73 Gary K8IQ
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