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[TenTec] AF/RF was Hello Orion Users

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] AF/RF was Hello Orion Users
From: dufferjames@hotmail.com (James Duffer)
Date: Tue May 6 10:51:33 2003
Now you've done it Bill!!,

I have enjoyed some of the responses to your posting and the attempts to 
keep it related to the original thread (DSP).  I imagine you have also 
received many responses privately.

IMHO the answer to your question, "when is RF not AF" lies within the realm 
of what do you mean when you use the terms "RF" and "AF", first RF, if 
defined as radio frequency or an electromagnetic wave is one thing and AF, 
if defined as acoustic wave (mechanical vibration through a medium 
consisting of compression and rareafication of molecues in matter, is 
another and the answer is obvious.  But, if you are referring to RF and AF 
both being in the electromagnetic form as within the electrical circuits in 
the radio, then they are similar and the portion of the electrical energy 
when applied to a transducer (such as a speaker) then the electrical energy 
when converted to acoustic that is within the normal hearing range of humans 
would be consider audible and possibly AF term is appropriate.

73, Jim wd4air

    From: "WILLIAM MANSEY; WA2PVK" <wa2pvk@verizon.net>
Reply-To: tentec@contesting.com
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Hello Orion Users
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 21:20:13 -0400

Hello Carl and everyone,
    This is an interesting subject and one that I have had heated
discussions over. (IE: Arguments!)
    When is RF "RF" and not "AF"?   If one were to build a transmitter, of
"conventional" design - BUT on a scale that would operate at 10KHz. and
connected it to "The Mother of all Antennas" it would radiate a signal just
like any other transmitter is supposed to be doing.  NOW for the "fun"
part - - - If you were in the near vicinity of this monstrosity would you
hear anything?  I say NO because it is RF.  (if you were real close to the
transmitter you might hear a signal but only if the RF caused mechanical
vibrations in the coils and/or other components.
    Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.  I am used to that and can
handle being corrected.  I remember that because I was wrong ONCE before!
    I am not trying to stir up any trouble.  I just am seeking clarification
of this interesting subject.  I just think that RF applies to
electromagnetic energy travelling at the speed of light.
    The bottom line is, to me, that the DSP (and the rest of the attached
Orion) works fantastically well!  73, Bill

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