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[TenTec] Kit 1315 21mhz QRP - Missing Page in Assembly Manual

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Kit 1315 21mhz QRP - Missing Page in Assembly Manual
From: ku3g@yahoo.com (JOHN)
Date: Thu Apr 17 08:46:03 2003
"George, W5YR" <w5yr@att.net> wrote:As I recall, Monty - now N5ESE and used to 
be N5FC - is the authority on the
TT 13XX kits. His website used to have a lot of material on them, including
countless corrections and changes to the manuals.

Sorry, don't have the URL.

73/72, George
Amateur Radio W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas
Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of Dallas in Collin county EM13QE
"In the 57th year and it just keeps getting better!"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart Rohre" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Kit 1315 21mhz QRP - Missing Page in Assembly Manual

> Frank,
> If someone has not responded, a note to Ten Tec will get you a fix.
> I think I bought one of these, unbuilt and it sits in a box, (somewhere) I
> will look when I get home and make sure I have a page 15 for you, and will
> send.
> What is your adr.? Is mail to Canada from U.S. still 37 US cents?
> First 1/2 oz or whatever?
> 73,
> Stuart K5KVH
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