I second Tommy, WD4K's, comments on the Orion. The primary reciever is by far
the best receiver ever to hit my shack. And excepting Japan Radio, I have
owned most of the TOL radios and used the rest.
The transmitter is nothing short of amazing. Local hams tell me it's the
first rig they have heard me use that actually sounds like me. Even with
considerable RF processing dialed in I still "sound open and unprocessed."
And the DX seems equally impressed by the audio - they seem to dig me out a
pileup quicker and to copy my call complete the first time.
Warts, don't likes, and the lot? Frankly, that will take more time to decide.
It's different from anything else I have used - but that's no more a
criticism than the old boy who inherited a ton of money and traded his twenty
year old work truck in on a BMW. When asked how he liked the Beemer he said
it was different but it was sure an improvement on his Mack.
There may be something I decide I don't like or that I would like to change.
But that's going to take many more hours before I will know enough to form an
informed opinion.
Except for one thing. I do want another Orion for the second seat in my
73 Pete Allen AC5E