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[TenTec] 20 Mtr NET

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] 20 Mtr NET
From: KD7EFQ@aol.com (KD7EFQ@aol.com)
Date: Sat Feb 1 22:11:06 2003
I am glad to see the 20 meter net back, however I have a suggestion. When net 
control is running a beam antenna, I suggest he take check- ins by call 
district or by compass points, or have several net control operators 
assisting like the Collins net
does. I am severely limited with my antenna as an apartment dweller. I do run 
Hercules 2, but I still have a hard time being heard on the back of someones 
Thanks for reviving the 20m net. 73's Kd7efq in Wyoming.
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