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[TenTec] Clarity on "parts" for Omni VI+ s

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Clarity on "parts" for Omni VI+ s
From: tlogan7@cox.net (tlogan7@cox.net)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 06:18:24 -0700
Hi folks -
 Can anyone, either from Ten Tec or otherwise in the know,  give me a clear
answer on whether or not parts, finals, whatever, are going to be an issue
for those currently buying up the Omni VI+ models?
  Some of the posts about finals etc left me in doubt. It's hard to imagine
such great rigs being strapped for parts! Thanks for any help and have a
great day.

73/Tim NZ7C

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