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[TenTec] Corsair Troubleshooting

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Corsair Troubleshooting
From: ARDUJENSKI@aol.com (ARDUJENSKI@aol.com)
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:53:13 EDT
I am a bit new at troubleshooting solid state so please be tolerant.

RIG: Corsair (1) / 260 PS

SYMPTOM: Noticed a hum on the transmit signal (cw) but only with headphones. 
It was confirmed with a 577 report. The hum appears to have disappeared and 
the rig will trip off when trying to load above about 60 watts. All antenna 
and ground connections were checked.

I was wondering if it may be related to a weak or failing pass transistors in 
the crowbar circuit or if I need to start a more detailed trouble shoot 

Thanks---Alan KB7MBI in Woodinville, WA

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