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[TenTec] OMNI VI Power Output

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OMNI VI Power Output
From: ditzian@alltel.net (ditzian@alltel.net)
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 23:21:44 -0400

On 15 May 2001, at 21:32, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX wrote:

> With the Autek meter indication of 50 watts what does the OMNI FWD meter
> indicate?  Power meters are notorious for being wrong.
> My pair of 3-500Z's drives very nicely to 1400 watts out with 105 watts
> of drive from the Omni VI+ on 20M.  Other bands are not quite as
> efficient.  Power is measured with a Bird 43 and a 2500H slug feeding a
> Bird dummy load.
> 73
> Bob K4TAX
> ditzian@alltel.net wrote:
Omni reads above 50 watts, Autek reads 55 watts, all on 14.095. 
into a dummy load iwth 1/2:1 SWR on the Autek, no SWR reading 
on the Omni.  The Omni lamp illuminating the meter dims at the 
same time when I push the tune button.

You response about your pair of 3-500Z's fits quite nicely with what 
I said.  If he wants to see 1400 or 1500 watts out from a pair of 3-
500Z's, he will need 100 or more watts from the Omni.  I already 
said that the dB argument was correct, I only meant that there is 
psychology involved here as well.

Jan, KX2A

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