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[TenTec] Re: "A low vswr will kill you"

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: "A low vswr will kill you"
From: kh7m@hsa-kauai.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 12:51:37 -1000
> Walt Maxwell's series of articles, "Another Look At Reflections", started
> with the April 1973 issue of QST.
> Did someone mention that his book on this subject is going back into
> publication?  I would like to get a copy and ARRL no longer publishes this
> one.

Hi Reid,

I have made Walt aware of our conversation thread here.
Have forwarded some of what Dr.  Jerry has said and asked
for his comments.  May,  or may not get something from him.
Walt does not/will not subscribe to any of the reflectors,  so
unfortunately cannot have his direct participation.

And yes,  Worldradio is supposed to be pretty close to publishing
Reflections,  the Second Edition by Walt.  As you may recall,
Walt did not have an Index in Reflections,  the First Edition.
I believe he has spent a lot of time preparing one for the
coming printing,  sure hope so anyway!

Turns out,  that some of the material in my previous post from
Walt,  is actually from the 2nd edition!  He had sent some of the
sections to me for review many months ago,  thus the reference
in that posting to Sec. 19, etc,  and the mention of some quote
by Terman below.  I've got it all stored here,  so just went to
it,  and picked out the seemingly appropriate paragraph or
so on the conjugate match topic about SSB amplifiers,  pi
output networks,  etc.

Will see what comes from Walt,  if anything.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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