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[TenTec] F.S. 544 Digital transceiver

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] F.S. 544 Digital transceiver
From: gctotten@juno.com (Gerald C Totten)
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 14:26:09 -0500
Hi gang,
  I'm listing this as part of an estate sale.  This is the Digital
version of the Triton IV.  80 meters through 10 meters ( no WARC bands.) 
The VFO has been rebuilt recently.  The radio is an 8.5 or 9 out of 10. 
Just a few marks on the covers and no scratches on the front panel.  All
the lettering is intact.  Includes the optional noise blanker, the audio
CW filter and all 10 meter crystals.  And the original owners manual. 
This radio checked out at 100 watts out on 80 meters and 95 out on 10
meters.  Sorry, no TEN-TEC power supply but I will include a DC power
cable and a 20 amp AirPax circuit breaker.  I can also supply a 20 amp
ASTRON power supply and / or an MFJ-948 300 watt antenna tuner at
additional cost.

Asking  $425.00 plus shipping CUSA.

please reply direst,
Jerry  K8JRO

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