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[TenTec] Supporting the best use of the RX320

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Supporting the best use of the RX320
From: kh7m@hsa-kauai.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 10:17:28 -1000
> http://solar.spacew.com/
> PROPLAB-PRO Version 2.0 is an ionospheric laboratory 
> for your personal computer.

I happen to own Proplab-Pro,  V2.0.  It is difficult to use;
requires a large amount of data info input before it
will give you anything!!  And what it provides is also an
overwhelming amount of info.  This is not a program to
use to decide if you want to try for a particular DX today.

It is useful for analyzing historical info; maybe deciding 
about a new antenna set up,  etc.  As said above,  it
is a "laboratory"  and is just about as easy to extract
useful info from,  hi.

And yes,  it is expensive,  and has a long,  steep learning
curve,  not only to use,  but to also understand what the
output means;  and there is a myriad of possible graphical
and tabular outputs.  Also,  it is a DOS program,  which is
fine if you got into computer use,  say over 8 or so years
ago when DOS was much more in use. But until a
WINDoz version comes along,  I would not suggest its'
use by radio amateurs -- in short, I wish I had not spent
all that money for it, the course,  and the extra software
being offered by STD.  But you may find it useful;  just
be aware,  it is way beyond what amateurs might need.

A really fast computer,  with a crackerjack DOS operator
is really needed to get all out that is available from 
Proplab-Pro.  It will tell you more about chordal-hop
propagation,   skew paths,  etc.  than you ever thought
existed,  hi.  And interesting 3-D plots of the ionosphere;
you just have to know how to get them out of the thing!
A 40 lesson course of use is also sold.

Perhaps,  for a detailed planning aid for a DXpedition,  just
might be just the ticket.  And......it does 160 meter prop
prediction,  prop mode plots,  etc.  very  well.  Probably the
only real 160 meter prop program which works!

So it is a specialist's program for special purposes.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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