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[TenTec] FS: Omni V

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] FS: Omni V
From: jkoppi@pclink.com (Joseph Koppi)
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 09:20:13 -0500
Greetings, everyone:  I listed my Omni V for $1100 on August 19 but didn't
get any inquiries.  Guess it was either bad timing or I asked too much.  So,
I'll try this:  you make me an offer.  I have a very clean Omni V that works
well.  I've included parts of my August 19 listing below to give you more
information about the radio.

So, if interested, make me an offer--with or without filters (complete set
of four only).

St. Paul, MN

This is the radio only; no power supply and no filters other than the
standard 2.4 KHz.

The radio is in very nice condition. It has QRP capabilities--I puts out
about 3.5 watts when the power is reduced. It is quite clean, I'd say in the
9.0 range. I bought it locally two or three years ago without the original
carton, but I'm willing to get a sturdy carton and pack the radio suitably
for shipping.

I do have all four accessory filters installed right now. If you're
interested in buying the radio with the complete filter set, make an
appropriate offer. . . . I bought all of the filters new from TT for $79
each. The set includes: 6.3 MHz IF = 1.8, .500. and .250;in the 9 MHz IF I
have the .500 KHz filter.

Please reply via email to me privately. If you'd care to call, I can be
reached at (651) 457-2916. I should be home all day today (I'm cleaning the
garage!) and most of tomorrow. Am also available evenings after about 7 p.m.

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