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[TenTec] F.S. PARAGON (1)

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] F.S. PARAGON (1)
From: gctotten@juno.com (Gerald C Totten)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 21:16:07 -0400
  I'm listing this for a friend.  

  For sale, a nice TEN-TEC PARAGON (one) 585.  #00791. ( 3.8 firm ware )
  Checked out by the factory in March.  F.M. and RS-232 acc. boards.
  Narrow SSB filter and a CW filter in the 500 Hz slot but sounds like
the 250 to me.  Front panel is clean.  A few paint scrapes on the covers.
 I think the asking price is $800.00 with box and book.

e-mail him at 

w8qwl@juno.com    or  810-659-1776

73 to all
Jerry  K8JRO

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