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[TenTec] Re: Ten Tec antenna tuners

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: Ten Tec antenna tuners
From: k7zum@teleport.com (Ken K7ZUM)
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 23:23:59 -0700

> On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Steve Ellington wrote:
> >
> > Remember:
> >
> > Feeders used for reception should always be twisted clockwise while
> > transmission lines must be twisted counterclockwise.
> >
> Hey, you guys got it all wrong. The real reason for twisting the ladder
> has not been discussed as of yet. The real reason is to prevent squirrels
> from hanging on and walking up the feedline, they get dizzy from going
> and round and they fall off! Just to let you the real reason for the
> 73 de K2ZF (Jim)
now this is the best explanation of the twist yet !!

73... Ken.... K7ZUM

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