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[TenTec] Pegasus software and Linux

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus software and Linux
From: adb1x1@yahoo.com (Anthony Bowyer)
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 05:44:28 -0800 (PST)
For those of you who would rather use Linux than
Windows, I've been able to run the Pegasus software
under Red-Hat Linux 6.0 using the Wine emulator.
Here's what you need and where I found it:

wine-991114-1.i386.rpm > links at 
     (I initially tried an older version, but it had
      problems with a few of the fonts on the form)

Mesa-3.1beta3-1.i386.rpm > ftp.falsehope.com/pub/Mesa

There are a few minor problems, but none that keep
things from working.

1. The light gray background on the panel is not
refreshed properly. If you click on the "Radio" button
to hide the panel and then click it again to unhide
it, the backgroud will be correct, but depending on
what else you do, it may get some 'holes' in it.

2. There is a very slight delay when turning, both
with the software facilities and with the pod. It's
not severe, but it is noticable if you're used to
running the software under windows.

3. The 'Sweep' option is noticably slower.

I've tried this on a Pentium II 450 and an AMD-350.
I'm not sure how well it will work on a slower

At least this is workable until some just can't stand
it anymore and writes something in Linux! 
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