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[TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OMNI-VI Plus features lost from OMNI-V?
From: dacalvin@us.ibm.com (dacalvin@us.ibm.com)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:54:15 -0500

Carl Hyde spake saying:

"Lets talk about contesters. Hmmmm they sit at a radio
and call cq, exchange call letters and a signal report
and go on to the next cq.  Whats the point?"

Well, for this DXer, it means an opportunity to cherry pick some new countries
with (usually) much smaller pileups than outside the contest.  This past weekend
I picked up 11 new countries on RTTY during the CQ WW RTTY contest, including
working Benin (TY1RY) for the first time ever.  Sometimes you can make lemonade
out of those lemons.

     73,  Duane     AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS   RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX      >O<     Tie: 793-3368

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