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[TenTec] HF memories

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] HF memories
From: jdvoracek@vvm.com (John Dvoracek)
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 17:19:32 -0500
I've finally found a use for some of my omni's 100 or so memories.
Being a creature of habit, I like to scan the bands starting about 25
khz from the bottom with only the N-1 filter selected (INRAD 2.1 khz in
my case, but that doesn't matter).  Sometimes I go up first, others I go
down.  Since I use a Hertz (aka doublet), ladder line, and a tuner, I
can operate on all bands, and often I will scan four or five before
picking one to operate.  I have found it very convenient to program
memory 1 with 1.825, 3 with 3.525, 7 with 7.025, etc., all with N-1 and
CW selected at the time I stored the frequency.  Then band, mode, and
filter selection for scanning are simultaneously selected by pressing
the M>VFO button followed by the mhz of the band.  For the lower three
bands, I also have to press ENTER (or use "01" instead of just "1",
etc.) of course.
73, de ke5c, op john

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