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[TenTec] Which filters

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Which filters
From: jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:12:45 -1000

KI7Q wondered:

> Which filters will I want to buy for my new OMNI VI+? I do about a 50/50
> of CW and SSB. No contesting.

Aloha Jim,

Well,  as you do not do contests and are  equally busy on
both CW and SSB operating modes,  I would really recommend your
considering the use of INRAD filters in your new Omni VI+.  I
started with the TT units,  then went over to INRAD,  a very noticeable
difference.  I have even replaced the so called "permanent" front
end filters in both IF's with INRADS.  Here is my current line up
with which I am very pleased!  BTW,  if you now have some TT
filters in your radio,  you can easily sell them for $60 each on this
or other reflectors.

My set up:

9 MHz Filter Board -

1.   In the place of the Standard TT 2.4 kHz filter  I have the
      INRAD #754 2.8 kHz filter.  (This filter benefits both CW and
      SSB,  eliminates any chance of a possible CW "chirp" or
      thump problem some have experienced with some new VI+'s
      and provides a nice SSB audio sound which I like.)

2.   For Optional Filter #1,  I have the INRAD # 756 10 pole, 2.4kHz
      SSB filter;  this complements the steep skirted 10 pole INRAD
      filter in the 6 MHz IF,  to complete the DX pile up busting ability.
      I also cascade it with the TT 1.8kHz filter in the 6 MHz IF when
      things are really tight, hi.

3.   Optional Filter #2,  I am now using the INRAD #753,  400 Hz
      CW filter. Again this can be cascaded with the INRAD 400 Hz
      filter in the 6 MHz IF for very nice CW signal separating chores.

6 MHz IF Filter Board,  aka  TT Passband Tuning Board

1.  In place of the Standard 2.4 kHz TT filter,  I have the INRAD
     2.8 kHz,  10 pole filter,  #755 . (Continues the availability of
     the good SSB audio sound begun with the 2.8 kHz filter in
     the "standard" position up in the 9 MHz IF. )

2.  Replace TT # 288 with INRAD # 757 10 pole 2.4kHz BW
     This step is done to provide a very steep filter skirt for
      SSB  slicing in DX pileups,  you may or may not find it of
     benefit,  depending upon your time spent in pileups,  hi.

3.  Replace TT  # 285 with the TT # 288 1.8kHz filter removed
     from the slot above.  This is the only TT filter I have kept
     in my 9 MHz line up.  Used when things get really tight
     and messy in an SSB pileup,  or lots of QRM,  such as is
     beginning to be the case on 20 meters,  at least out here
     where all signals on 20 are really DX,  hi.

4.  Replaced the TT #282 250 Hz CW filter with INRAD # 700
      400 kHz CW filter.  Did this as I do not get involved in CW
      contests and have no need for a 250 Hz BW.  Cascading
      this filter with another INRAD 400 Hz filter in the 9 Mhz IF
      turns out to provide sufficient filtering of CW for my operating

Info about INRAD and their filters can be found from their
web site:


Hope this info helps you some,  and that you understand my

73,  Jim,  KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai

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