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[TenTec] 238 Tuner settings

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] 238 Tuner settings
From: N4LQ@iglou.com (Steve Ellington N4LQ)
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 18:59:04 -0500
>Yeah, Steve, 'if you're lookin' for trouble, you've come to the right

You ain't seen nuttin yet. So far today I've read about:

1. A rig with a chirp
2. A tuner with a chip
3. A dial with a slip.
4. A dummy load with a drip.

So how about someone buying one of those new Ameritron tuners for $600 and
report back to us how it works. For the life of me, I cannot understand why
something so simple and crude as a tuner could cost even $200! After all,
it's just a couple of switches, a coil and a few capacitors. Is it a
supply/demand thing?


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