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[TenTec] freq display on Omni-D (C Series) question

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] freq display on Omni-D (C Series) question
From: casey.bahr@intel.com (Bahr, Casey)
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 08:16:20 -0800
I don't have my manual with me, but does anyone know off-hand
where the Omni-C frequency display gets its info? The reason I
ask is that it reads about 1.5 KHz higher than my TR7, which has
a direct frequency counter. Both were recently aligned, but my
money is on the Drake (sorry ;^) );


Casey Bahr, KS7J, FISTS #3648, CC #450, FNW #1
Trustee, FISTS Northwest, K7FFF, FISTS #4400, CC #457
Vista Valley FISTS CW Club, K6FFF, FISTS #4444

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