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[TenTec] Re:{TenTec} Paragon Kam interface

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re:{TenTec} Paragon Kam interface
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:44:48 -0600
>One note to be aware of - Kantronics wiring diagrams in their
>manual are INCORRECT in describing the pinouts on the 8-pin DIN
>connector.  The numbers are correct when they describe function
>to a pin number, but the diagram of an 8-pin DIN shows the pins
>numerical order going around the connector - this is NOT how DIN
>are numbered.  For a correct layout, see the diagrams on the
>web page:
>Hope this saves others from having to tear down the connector
and rewire
>it like many of us have had to do!
> 73,  Duane  AC5AA
I recently wired up a KAM Plus to Paragon cable for all
functions.  I made up my own wire list and drawing, using the
hardware...that is, drawing the solder side of the DIN layout and
ID'ing each pin visually.  We got to put the Paragon on the air
with the KAM Plus for the first time last week and the cable
worked like a champ.

I also recommend to anyone contemplating making up a cable for
their KAM (or other multi-mode TNC) to their Ten-Tec radio to
wire it up completely for ALL functions.  That way, when you
decide later to try computer CW or FSK instead of AFSK, or
whatever, that capability will be there ready and waiting; you
won't have to modify the cable.  Do it once.  Do it right.


Dale, kg5u

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