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[TenTec] MFJ874B DSP for Sale

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] MFJ874B DSP for Sale
From: bcotter@pop.uky.edu (Bill Cotter)
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 09:08:35 -0400

For Sale:     

I'm on the TenTec waiting list for a new Omni-6+ due to be shipped at
the end of June and have sold my 561 Corsair-II and 960 PS. Since the
OMNI-6+ has a DSP built-in, I have for sale an MFJ-874B Tuneable DSP
Filter purchased February '97 for $185. This unit is in mint condition
and worked very well with the Corsair-II QSK. In addition to excellent
HP/LP and notch filtering, it picks up where the TT noise blanker and
AGC leave off.  

Bill N4ALG

|                                                          | 
| Bill Cotter, N4ALG           e-mail: bcotter@pop.uky.edu |
| 173 Carolyn Lane               Home: (606) 887-5563,2402 |
| Nicholasville, KY 40536-9340   Work: (606) 323-6474      |

|                                                                  |
| Bill Cotter, Manager of R&D          Mail:   bcotter@pop.uky.edu |
| Communications and Network Systems   Pager:  (606) 259-6082      |
| Parking Structure 2, Room-4, 0198    Phone:  (606) 323-6474      |
| University of Kentucky               FAX:    (606) 257-9400      |
| Lexington, KY 40506-0198             Home:   (606) 887-5563,2402 |

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