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[TenTec] Re: mid-line rig, we need one!

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: mid-line rig, we need one!
From: bames@mecasw.com (bames@mecasw.com)
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 09:58:28 -0400

The real problem is that if TT had a rig that sold for $1000 then the buyer
would compare it to what other rigs they could get for $1000. While the TT
rig would probably be better in the RX area then any competitor it could
not match the features the competitive rigs offer.

Look at it from this perspective: What if the Japanese manufactures offered
rigs for $550 new with just ham band coverage, 5 - 100 w built in keyer,
just DSP for filters, all the features (memories, etc.  you can have with a
up controlled rig. Not too  bad.) Now when you went shopping and had to
choose between this and the Scout, how many would buy the scout and how
many the competition?

Bill Ames

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