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[Trlog] trlinux

Subject: [Trlog] trlinux
From: George Fremin III <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 07:20:18 -0700
List-post: <">>
I just thought I would post an update on trlinux.

I have used it for all my contest efforts this year and it is working
great for me.

Kevin - W9CF has done some great things. 

Telnet support to DX clusters is now working in so that you can just
telnet from the ctl-b terminal window.

Winkeyer support was added and that is working very well.

YCCC SO2R box support is built into the program now and it is working

I am running Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon on a dual core Apple Mac Mini. I
am running the 64 bit version of the program.  I am using the YCCC
SO2R box now - but did have the Winkeyer and some older two radio
hardware hooked up before.  I am using two Elecraft K3 radios.  I am
using the DVK in each radio for doing voice CQing.

You can download it here:

George Fremin III - K5TR

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