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Re: [Trlog] Mid-Atlantic QP logging of mobiles

Subject: Re: [Trlog] Mid-Atlantic QP logging of mobiles
From: Paul Kirley <>
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 22:44:42 -0400
List-post: <>
WA3AAN asked:
>I haven't found a way to score 3 point mobiles ( /M ) in TRlog.  Any 
>suggestions ??

Last year I just changed the points in the editable log.  But as an outsider I 
had a much slower QSO rate than you will have.  Alternatively, you might create 
a scoring spreadsheet after the contest by reading in the normal TRLog file and 
adding a column to include the correct QSO points, then computing the final 
score by counting mults and doing the arithmetic.

Of course, all that effort will get you only one number to type in as the 
claimed score in the Cabrillo file (CONTEST = CAL QSO PARTY   QSO POINT METHOD 
= ONE PHONE TWO CW) because no summary is required this year.  To estimate that 
one lousy number, you might simply adjust TRLog's claimed score by a percentage 
estimate of the increased QSO points due to mobiles, and put the burden of 
precision on the log checkers.

The problem of coordinating TRLog's *DUPE* with the MAtl rule that mobiles 
*must* be logged as /M can be overcome by logging mobiles as /(county), 
generating the Cabrillo and then using a text editor to edit /????? to /M     
throughout the Cabrillo, watching out for any non-mobiles you may have worked 
with "/" in the call.

73, Paul W8TM

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