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[Trlog] TR RESCORE bug and useful feature

Subject: [Trlog] TR RESCORE bug and useful feature
From: "Mike Heideman" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 07:18:33 +0000
List-post: <>
For the first time I ran TR RESCORE on a log and noticed that it had dropped all of the $ characters indicating that a QSO was S&P. Just a warning to anyone who uises RESCORE to redo a log. I like to go back and figure out how many S&P vs. run Q's I've made, so if I hadn't noticed I'd have lost that information.

On a positive note, RESCORE will add any missing * character that is normally put into the log when the name is in the TRMASTER file. Some of us add names of our contest club members or other friends to the TRMASTER file so RESCORE gives a reliable way of counting how many club members or friends were worked.

The state of the * may be wrong for a logged QSO if the callsign is edited between the first and second Enter in CQ or S&P mode. It may also be missing from QSOs logged in S&P mode if the down-arrow key is used to move to the exchange line and Alt-Z isn't used to load the initial exchange, info window, and name before logging the QSO.

-Mike, N7MH

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