ZF2NT & I2WIJ noted that HA-DX is somewhat broken.
Here's how I bodged it somewhat into submission. Critical bits for logcfg.dat:
qso point method = cq ww
qso points domestic cw = 6
qso points domestic phone = 6
Also, hungary.dom needs correcting. Replace the line:
Ha = HA
Hb = HB
Two things will not work right this way:
1. You will need to type an RST into the exchange window for HAs who send a
domestic multiplier in the exchange instead of a number in order to log the QSO
2. For HAs who send a number instead of a domestic multiplier in the exchange,
the QSO POINTS DOMESTIC CW & PHONE do not take effect
HA DX has been broken for quite a while, I believe. This was the first
year I tried to
do something about it - of course, on the fly. There may be a better EXCHANGE
RECEIVED to use, but I'd rather operate.
One for Ron to look at - COUNTRY INFORMATION FILE may have changed for
the worse (like not relinquishing the SCP window when tuning across a
station in
the bandmap of entity type not in COUNTRY INFORMATION FILE). I don't recall
it being so annoying for IOTA... though the file in that case has info for
far more
entities in it than the one for HA DX.
73, VR2BrettGraham